How to Clean a Coffee Maker in Simple Steps?

How To Clean a Coffee Maker In Simple Steps

Many families have a coffee maker in their kitchen, that varies in size, color, function. There are many different types of coffee makers available in the market such as a French machine, Drip, espresso, automatic, smart coffee maker, and much more. Each of these has its uses and effects. Whatever the type of machine is, it should be cleaned at a certain time.

Every time you brew the coffee, bean debris, water stain, bacteria, and lime points build up inside the machine. Moreover, water leaves minerals inside the machine over time.  So, you should know how often to clean a coffee maker.

This article will guide you on how often to clean a coffee maker, how to clean a coffee maker with bleach and without vinegar, and how to dispose of a coffee maker. 

How Often to Clean Coffee Maker?

Cleaning your coffee maker does not mean cleaning it after every use. The best time to clean it thoroughly is at least once a month. However, if you use your machine daily, you should clean it at least two or three times a month.

There are also coffee makers who have a sign that it’s time to clean up. It is also important to note that the brewing basket should be cleaned almost after every use because it becomes wet and prone to fungus.

It is pertinent to mention that type of water also matters. If you use hard water, you should clean your machine more frequently because hard water cause limescale that negatively affects the efficiency of kitchen appliances. Besides, it contains minerals like calcium ad magnesium that can leave stains on the pot and even a layer of dirt.

Tips to clean coffee maker1. Coffee Maker pot and Brew basket should be cleaned after every use.

2. If you no longer have this brochure with you, there are copies of it online that you can     search using the brand/model name on search engine sites.

How Can you soften hard water?

There are different ways to soften hard water:

  1. Boil it
  2. Use a small filter (you can place it on the faucet)
  3. Use a water softener

 How to Clean Coffee Maker Properly?

Don’t worry because it’s a lot easier than you think. If you already know how to make your own coffee in a coffee maker, you will need to do the same steps to clean it again.

  1. Apply a clean filter to the filter basket.
  2. Fill the storage area with white vinegar in half and half of the water.
  3. Turn on the machine and use it as if you were making coffee.
  4. After the cycle is complete, pour a pot of vinegar and repeat the process twice with clear water. Be sure to do this twice so that your coffee does not taste like vinegar.
  5. After cleaning the inside of the machine, you can simply place the pot in the dishwasher.
  6. Finally, wipe the outside with a soft, clean rag to remove any debris.

How to clean a coffee maker without vinegar

Yes, if you don’t want to use the vinegar you can dissolve two Denture Cleanser Tablets in warm water and fill the coffee pot with the solution.

You can also use a coffee maker cleaning product such as Dip-It, but using vinegar is effective and safe. It does not contain any harmful chemicals that you may find in a cleaning product.

Why is it necessary to clean your coffee machine?

No doubt, most of us have a strong immune system. So, the dirty machine with some bacteria can’t kill us. However, it impacts the flavor of coffee and can take a longer time to brew. It also shortens the life of the machine. So, for the following main reasons, you should clean it

  • To enjoy the real taste of coffee
  • To save your time
  • To ensure the coffee is anti-bacteria
  • To increase the life of the machine

Warning Clean Coffee MakerBefore you try to clean your coffee maker, look in the manual for safety and certainty. This is because not all coffee making machines are the same. Some may need special cleaning procedures.


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