Roomba 780 Review – Everything You Need to Know

Roomba 780 Review

Roomba 780 enables busy people to spend less time cleaning and more time working or spending time with their families or loved ones. If you are looking for Roomba 780 review, keep reading šŸ˜Š

Roomba 780 Review

The Roomba 780 may be programmed to clean on its own and return to the charging station when it runs out of power. Let’s dive into further details!

Alternatively, check out our Review on iRobot Roomba 981

Roomba 780: Specifications

Brand: IRobot | Color: Black | Surface Recommendation: Hard Floor | Controller Type: Touchpad Control | Battery Cell Composition: Lithium Ion | Dimensions: 13.9 x 3.4 x 13.9 in | Weight: 13.6 pounds

Roomba 780: Main Features

On various flooring types, the Roomba 780 picks up pet hair, grime, and debris. For the most hands-free cleaning experience, use remote control and scheduling options (up to 7 times a week).

Advance Cleaning Process

A side brush of Roomba 780 with three prongs can clean the edges. This device will gather dirt and direct it to the counter-rotating brushes in the centre. Moreover, suction takes over and directs dirt toward the robot’s rear dirt bin.

Two HEPA filters flank both sides of the dirt bin. These two will each be able to screen allergens down to 0.3 microns.Ā 

iAdapt Responsive Cleaning Technology

The sophisticated software and sensor system is known as iAdapt. It enables Roomba 780 to clean more of your room thoroughly.

In addition, it ensures that Roomba vacuums every part of your space several times, including hard-to-reach places like under furniture, around common barriers, and along walls.

Even better, it self-adjusts to clean hardwood, carpet, and linoleum while avoiding stairs and drop-offs, navigating around soft obstacles, cables, and carpet fringe.

Pet Hair Removal

Many pet owners use it, and some have more than four dogs. The robot has two counter-rotating brushes that can pick up pet hair. Also, check out our article on 7 Best Roombas for Pet Hair.

Please Note: Clean the brushes frequently to maintain effectiveness, particularly if you have numerous dogs in your house.

Long-lasting battery

When used properly, the robot’s intelligent power management software ensures hundreds of cleaning cycles and a battery life that is 50% longer than prior Roomba versions.


  • To make a smaller cleaning space, use a virtual wall.
  • To charge this gadget, only use the battery charger that the manufacturer included.
  • The HEPA filter must be changed every two to three months to sustain performance. Amazon sells replacement filters in packs of three for about $20 a piece.

Roomba 780 Long Run Time

Although the indicated run time is 90 minutes, several customers have asserted that they receive up to 4 hours of run-time per charge.

Bare Floor Cleaning

This vacuum is perfect for cleaning unfinished floors because it has three brushes. Most, if not all, of the dust and pet hair, will be removed from this type of surface by the side brush and the two counter-rotating brushes.

With larger detritus, it might struggle because the side brush tends to throw them out of the path, but it will be able to suck all of the smaller pieces.

Roomba 780 Evaluation Results

What We liked
  • The HEPA filter
  • Well captures pet hair
  • Properly cleaned edges
  • Simple to set up and use
  • Enhanced navigating system
  • Offer lighthouse than a virtual wall
  • Comparatively silent to other robots
What we didn't like
  • Expensive
  • Tiny dirt bin
  • No firmware update

For low priced option, check out our review on iRobot Roomba 4210.

Roomba 780 Troubleshooting and Fixes

Our Roomba 780 review reveals that most often it works perfectly fine. However, you may face some trouble. Here is how you can fix it.

What to do when the Roomba 780 bumper sensor is dirty?

When the Roomba bumper sensor is dirty, tap the bumper of your Roomba firmly and repeatedly to remove any debris that might be lodged there.

What to do when the Roomba 780 bumper isn’t detecting obstacles?

When the bumper isn’t detecting obstacles, it may be because the side wheel of your Roomba is stuck, or its bumper isn’t sensing objects.

Clean the side wheels if your Roomba is circling in one spot. Check that they both turn as you push them in and out. Roomba might be in a vast room if it isn’t spinning in one location.

Roomba 780 Review; FAQs

Here are the answers to frequently asked questions about Roomba 780.

How long does it take to charge Roomba 780?

Roomba 780 takes roughly three hours to charge.

How do I reset Roomba 780?

To reset Roomba 780, press and hold the Start, Dock, and Spot buttons simultaneously for 10 seconds. The message r5t is displayed on the screen, indicating that the settings have now been reset.


  • Don’t use a battery charger with a broken cord or plug.
  • Never use moist hands to operate the battery charger.
  • Always unplug the battery charger from the Roomba before vacuuming.
  • HEPA filters are washable, but before reinstalling them, ensure they are completely dry.

Final Verdict

In sum, Roomba 780 review suggests that it is an excellent option if you want a programmable robot vacuum that performs well on all floors at a reasonable price. If you are looking for a better option, we recommend you go for iRobot Roomba E6 or Roomba 890.

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